Refractive Eye Surgery FAQs
Patients who are thinking about getting refractive eye surgery done at our facility in Alberta can view our list of frequently asked laser eye surgery questions here before setting up their first consultation with our eye experts.
If you are particularly curious about the LASIK procedure and want to learn more about it, visit our LASIK FAQ page for more in-depth information about this corrective surgery.
Cataract surgery patients seeking treatment can learn more about the procedure by visiting our specialized cataract surgery page.
Those who want to schedule a consultation right away with one of our eye specialists can visit our contact page or fill out an online contact form with their information.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why should I choose Eye Q Premium Laser?
- How long does the surgery take?
- Will it hurt? How long will it hurt?
- How much time do I need to take off work after surgery?
- How long will my eyes be blurry?
- What do I need to take care of my eyes after surgery?
- Is there anything I can’t do after surgery?
- How soon can I drive after surgery?
- How long until I can wear make-up after surgery?
- Can I use Latisse or eye lash extensions before or after eye surgery?
- How long until I can exercise after surgery?
- Can I go to yoga after surgery?
- How long after surgery must I wait before airplane travel?
- How long until I can go in the water after surgery?
- Why do I need a driver for my assessment appointment?
- What does the surgery fee cover?
- Will my health plan cover the cost of surgery?
- Does your price match other refractive surgery centers?
- Why do you only offer surgery on Thursdays?
- Should I still take my regular medications the morning of surgery?
- What is an enhancement?
- I was told I am a one- time-only candidate. What does this mean?
- Can I wear contact lenses if I need them in the future?
- Why will I still need reading glasses?
- What does better than 20/20 vision mean?
- Will I still be able to drive at night?
- I have astigmatism. Will I still be able to have surgery?
- If I get Cataracts when I am older can I still have surgery?
- Is blindness a risk factor of refractive surgery?
- What can go wrong with refractive surgery?
Why should I choose Eye Q Premium Laser?
- Eye Q prides itself on being a full service refractive surgical center.
- Eye Q uses state of the art Custom Femto LASIK SCHWIND AMARIS® 750S laser vision correction is Ocular wavefront (IRX 3) driven which enables the physician to measure and correct unique imperfections in each individual’s vision
- Tests and scans are confirmed on the day of surgery to ensure that our team is working with the most precise Measurements possible
- Eye Q schedules 40 minutes for each refractive surgery compared to 15 or 20 minutes at other centers. Patients are not rushed through this life altering process.
- Dr. Leong-Sit reviews every file and meets with the patient before surgery. This gives the patient time to ask any remaining questions regarding the procedure
- Dr. Leong-Sit and the Eye Q surgical team talk to the patient through-out the procedure so they are aware of what is happening.
- Dr. Leong-Sit is the only refractive surgeon in Edmonton with subspecialty corneal training.
- Dr. Leong-Sit resides in Edmonton and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Opthalmology at the University of Alberta
How long does the surgery take?
On the day of your surgery, the procedure itself is takes about 10 minutes, however you should plan on being at the clinic for 1.5 – 2 hours total time. We will repeat some of the eye tests you had during your initial assessment and you will need to meet with the counsellor and the surgeon. This is also a good time to ask any remaining questions you may have.
Will it hurt? How long will it hurt?
During the actual procedure you will feel some pressure on your eye. For the first 4-6 hours after surgery you may feel some discomfort similar to a burning sensation but after 6 hours it will improve to only a slightly scratchy feeling.
How much time do I need to take off work after surgery?
That will depend on what you do and where you work. Most patients can return to work within a few days. However if you work in a dusty environment or have a physically demanding position your surgeon may recommend that you take additional time off work. We do refractive surgery on Thursday and generally patients are able to return to work the following Monday.
How long will my eyes be blurry?
Most patients find their vision is clear within 24 hours after surgery. However, each eye is unique and sometimes slight blurriness can last more than a week after surgery.
What do I need to take care of my eyes after surgery?
You need to rest your eyes for the day immediately following surgery. No reading, TV, computers, tablets, cell phones and other electronic devices until after your 1-day post-operative visit. Plan on spending most of the first day resting or sleeping in a dark room. You will need to apply drops as per the drop schedule provided to you on the day of surgery.
Is there anything I can’t do after surgery?
Long term there are no restrictions on what you can’t do because of your refractive surgery. There are activities that are not recommended in the 3 weeks after surgery such as swimming, contact sports and some exercise regimes. Your Refractive Counsellor will review the restrictions with you when you book your surgery.
How soon can I drive after surgery?
You cannot drive until you have been cleared to drive by an Eye Q Optometrist. Normally this is the day following surgery; however, it may take up to a week until you can drive.
How long until I can wear make-up after surgery?
No make-up the day of surgery and for at least one week after surgery.
Can I use Latisse or eye lash extensions before or after eye surgery?
Please do not use Latisse in the days leading up to surgery and for at least one week after surgery. If you already have eye lash extensions before coming to Eye Q for an assessment please leave them on. The chemical that is used to remove the lashes can be harsh and irritate the eye. If you do not already have extensions please wait 3 weeks post surgery to have them applied. Please note that your eye lids will be taped open during the surgery and some lashes may fall out.
How long until I can exercise after surgery?
You need to wait at least one week before doing any sort of physical exercise that will cause you to sweat. You need to avoid sweat getting into your eyes or rubbing your eyes after surgery.
Can I go to yoga after surgery?
We recommend that you wait at least 1 week after surgery. Check with the Doctor at your 1 week post-operative visit about returning to your practice.
How long after surgery must I wait before airplane travel?
There are no restrictions on air travel after surgery.
How long until I can go in the water after surgery?
You need to avoid water sports, hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, etc for at least 1 month after surgery. Showering is fine but take care not to get water in your eyes.
Why do I need a driver for my assessment appointment?
Your eyes will be dilated during the assessment which will make your vision blurry and your eyes sensitive to light. This will subside in a few hours. You should bring sunglasses to your appointment for comfort.
What does the surgery fee cover?
Your surgery fee covers:
- Your pre-assessment appointment
- Your surgery
- Enhancements if required (as per our enhancement policy)
- Your post-operative drops/sunglasses/eye shields
- Your 5 post-operative appointments (either at Eye Q or with your own Optometrist)
Will my health plan cover the cost of surgery?
No part of the surgery is covered by Alberta Health Care. Your private health plan may cover part of the cost of your surgery. You will need to contact your plan provider directly to find out how much coverage you have.
Does your price match other refractive surgery centers?
The services at Eye Q are unique and premium.
Why do you only offer surgery on Thursdays?
Having surgery on Thursdays minimizes the amount of off work time for most of our patients. They can return to Eye Q on Friday following their appointment for their 1 day post-operative review and then have the weekend to rest and recover.
Should I still take my regular medications the morning of surgery?
Yes, unless your Refractive Counsellor tells you otherwise. Please ensure your Counsellor and Doctors knows which medications you are taking and if you have any allergies.
What is an enhancement?
An enhancement is a second laser procedure, if it is required, to improve your vision. Usually we achieve the expected result during the original surgery but sometimes a second procedure is required. Your Refractive Counsellor will review our enhancement policy with you during your assessment.
I was told I am a one- time-only candidate. What does this mean?
You can only have Lasik surgery once. Usually this is all it takes. If you are a one-time-only candidate you will not qualify for an enhancement if your vision deteriorates after surgery.
Can I wear contact lenses if I need them in the future?
Refractive surgery flattens the curvature of the cornea. Since contact lense fit is partially dependent on corneal curvature, your ability to wear contact lenses in the future will depend on the post-operative curvature of your cornea.
Why will I still need reading glasses?
Most patients over the age of 40 will require reading glasses after surgery. Refracive surgery does not prevent the development of presbyopia which naturally occurs as we age.
What does better than 20/20 vision mean?
20/20 is the current standard of excellence for vision. 20/20 vision means normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. With our Custom Femto LASIK procedure many patients can achieve vision better than 20/20.
Will I still be able to drive at night?
Some patients experience halos, glares and starbursts at night after refractive eye surgery, which can make driving at night difficult during the 3-6 month healing period after surgery and generally go away in time. If you drive a lot at night or work in a low light environment you should discuss night time driving with your Eye Q Optometrist and surgeon.
I have astigmatism. Will I still be able to have surgery?
You will require an assessment at Eye Q with one of our Optometrist to determine if you are a good LASIK candidate. Astigmatism is just one of the factors that determines your candidacy for refractive surgery.
If I get Cataracts when I am older can I still have surgery?
Cataract surgery involves replacing the natural lens in the eye. Since refractive surgery does not involve the lens it doesn’t affect your candidacy for Cataract surgery in the future.
Is blindness a risk factor of refractive surgery?
To date we have not had any vision-threatening problems at Eye Q Premium Laser. Our surgeon will not perform surgery if he believes there is any risk to the patient. Post surgery vision problems are usually a result of pre-existing conditions. Please tell the Eye Q staff about all Medical conditions you have and all medications you are taking. To ensure optimum eye health all patients should have an annual eye exam with their optometrist as refractive eye surgery does not prevent the development of other eye diseases.
What can go wrong with refractive surgery?
- The most common complaint after laser eye surgery is Dry Eye, especially here in Alberta. Dry Eye will require the use of lubricating eye drops for months after surgery and may even result in needing prescription eye drops. Although irritating dry eye is treatable and manageable.
- Your vision may not improve to the point that we thought it would resulting in a second surgery being required (known as an enhancement)
- You may have red, swollen eyes for a few weeks after surgery
- You may get an infection or inflammation in your eye. Post-operative follow-ups are a critical component of your laser eye surgery. Infections are treatable so please contact Eye Q immediately if you are feeling any signs of an infection.